Associations and organisations
The German Tourism Association is the umbrella organization of the tourism organizations of the federal states, regions and towns in Germany.
The association for Tourist Boards, Convention Bureaux and City Marketing Organisations in Europe

For over 60 years, the GNTB has been promoting Germany as a travel destination abroad on behalf of the Federal Government. It markets the tourist diversity of Germany all over the world. It advertises one of the largest and most attractive brands - Germany as a travel destination.

We are the south. Hike through the Black Forest and experience Lake Constance, relax in Baden-Baden and enjoy culture in Heidelberg, taste wine in the Kaiserstuhl or explore the Danube Valley by bike: There is more than one reason to travel to the south of Germany. To the country with the most gastronomic stars - and the most hours of sunshine.

"Experience a journey through time" is the invitation of the Burgenstrasse, which leads from Mannheim to Bayreuth and is one of the oldest holiday routes in Germany. Around 60 castles and palaces can be admired along the 780 kilometer route. In addition, there is a wealth of possibilities for an individual and relaxed stroll through the past, whether by car, mobile home, bicycle or vintage car.

"This is where Germany begins to become Italy," Emperor Josef II is said to have said about Bergstrasse. On the journey to his coronation in Frankfurt, his path led him in daily stages along this historic trade and military route that connects Darmstadt with Heidelberg. It is considered the spring garden of Germany and is part of the UNESCO Geopark Bergstrasse-Odenwald. Along the flower path and in the parks between Darmstadt and Heidelberg you feel like you are in paradise. The vineyards of the Hessian and Baden Bergstrasse meet here.

History up Your life! Historic Highlights of Germany stellt 17 der besten alternativen Städte für Kurzurlaube und Reiserouten vor und möchte Reisenden helfen, Ziele abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade zu erreichen. Jede dieser Städte hat den Verlauf der deutschen, europäischen und manchmal sogar der Weltgeschichte maßgeblich verändert. Unser Ziel ist es, Touren vorzuschlagen, die ein reiches kulturelles Erlebnis, eine freundliche Umgebung und eine entspannte Zeit bieten.

"Germany's most beautiful hiking trail 2018"
The Neckarsteig was voted “Germany's most beautiful hiking trail 2018” in the “Routes” category in the “hiking magazine” vote. A total of around 18,200 people voted, over 13 percent of them were in favor of the climb in the romantic Neckar Valley. There was a choice of 15 other climbs against which the Neckarsteig could clearly hold its own.
"Most popular hiking trail 2019"
The quality hiking trail Neckarsteig was able to score again in a reader voting and secure a place on the podium. This time he was up for election in the voting for »Most Popular Hiking Trail 2019« by the renowned hiking magazine “trekking magazin”.