Warm welcome
barrier-free arrival

The combination of low-floor vehicles and elevated platforms, which is constantly being expanded, makes it easier for passengers with restricted mobility with walking aids or wheelchairs to get on and off without barriers.
A stop plan for the mobility impaired and further information can be found here:
List of stops

Since mid-January 2020 there has been a taxi for people who are dependent on a seated transport in a wheelchair. So far, they have been dependent on driving or transport services. The wheelchair taxi brings mobility and independence. The provider "TLS Transfer & Limousinenservice GmbH" has received the first license for the wheelchair taxi.
The wheelchair taxi can be booked there by telephone on 06221 770022.
The vehicle is also suitable for electric wheelchairs.
More info
A list of disabled parking spaces in Heidelberg can be found here:
Website City of Heidelberg