In 11 Tagen

Outdoor Hike with First Aid Training (English)

Outdoor First Aid training in the Heidelberg forests (ENGLISH)

Come join us for an exciting outdoor first aid workshop in the beautiful Heidelberg forest! Learn essential first aid skills in a hands-on, interactive environment perfectly made for persons who like to hike. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or just enjoy spending time outdoors, this workshop is perfect for anyone looking to stay safe and prepared in the great outdoors.

Date: Fri Mar 14 2025

Time: 14:00-18:00

Location: Heidelberg --> changing starting points. You will be given the meeting point prior to the event (ususally we meet within the old town).

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn life-saving skills while enjoying the fresh air and natural beauty of the Heidelberg forest. Sign up now!

The price inlcudes first aid material, a finisher t-shirts and a bottle of water which you will need for the training (be surprised). 

Here is the registration link:

Weitere Termine

Auf der Karte

Arboretum am Speyerer Hof
69117 Heidelberg


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